
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Avriell's Cukur Jambul

Told you it was a short break right? Hehe.

After going all out the last couple of days over the Cukur Jambul event, I had a nice 12 hour sleep, made myself a large breakfast, ate it in bed while finally finishing My Name Is Khan, rearranged the long lasting Estoma flowers I bought for myself last week & spent a good while on YouTube watching The Beginning of Rainbowland (after reading Joyce's tweets on 80s cartoons, I just had to look up Rainbow Brite).

Anyways, here are a few pictures are a few pictures of what kept me busy since last Friday.

Here's the set up for the Cukur Jambul of beautiful baby Avriell. Cradle & standing dulang set are by the good folks of Cradle N All (talk to Kak Mas, she's a gem!) whereas the lovely lace pillows & runners are by Renai. The favors for the Marhaban group were pashmina shawls that were presented in lace "pockets" that Iwan, my new assistant, helped to sew up & little sachets of dried rosebuds & lavender by Mimpi Murni. Now I wish I took a better picture of those because they were quite a lot of work to source.

Sorry that this picture is lop-sided, I was in a huge rush so I took whatever snap shots I could. This is the VIP table gorgeously decorated by Quzandria with tea cups & dessert stands filled with all sorts of sweet things like macaroons, jelly & cupcakes. I just did the little things like placecards & decorating the favors.

Iwan & I were up till 3am the night before decorating the jars of customised Sticky rock candies & boxes of mini cupcakes by Selendang Sutera. The theme was English Tea Party so I stuck to sweet cotton prints in pastels with lace. I really love the way they look together!

There are more pictures here so do take a look although I really wish I had more time to take snap more pictures but we were really scrambling till the last moments to get it all ready. We had fun though & I really hope the customer liked the work we did.


  1. It's beautiful Murni. I bet, walaupun penat sure you felt so darn good afterwards.

    BTW, I love it that you have a "new" assistant. (and he sews! :))

  2. glad you like it babe. Quzandria did a really good job decorating, we just came in to help with the little touches here & there. and YES! it felt really good when we finally finished! LOL!

    p/s: iwan is actually nirwana (a girl)! don't worry, i made the same mistake the first time i heard her name & thought i was going to meet a guy! hehehehe

  3. love this babe! glad u managed to contack cradle n all. they hv lovely cradles kan?

  4. thanks SO MUCH for the info babe, otherwise i would've been totally clueless! you were a real help!!

    oh and yes, they have such gorgeous cradles ^_^
