
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sekeping Tenggiri

I was at Joyce's blog, catching up with what's cool & happening in KL, and I saw some pictures from a house party she attended. First of all the name Tenggiri was well, different (Tenggiri is the Malay name for Spanish Mackerel) & not a name you would associate with a house of all things. Secondly, the pictures Joyce took had little glimpses of industrial coolness so being nosy, I clicked on the link. As soon as the site loaded, I was mesmerized.

The very cool entrance

Welcome to paradise

Gorgeous landscape with an organic vegetable patch
Equally gorgeous at night.

Fancy sleeping in a tree house?

I love a good open air shower

It turns out Sekeping Tenggiri is from the man responsible for Sekeping Serendah, which is another paradise out in Rawang. The man, Ng Sek San is a landscape architect cum art collector who turned two neglected houses on the serene residential lane of Jalan Tenggiri, off Jalan Tandok in Bangsar into this minimalist & eco-friendly oasis. With brick walls left exposed, doors scoured from old kampung houses, an organic vegetable garden, a cosy common area with lots of DIY light fixtures made with recycled Yokult bottles & cat food tins and home to two dogs that I think were rescued off Pulau Ketam as they are named Pulau and Ketam... I think I found Mimpi Murni heaven. In reality however, ST is part warehouse gallery & part retreat for guests with rooms to rent (rates start at RM200 per night). If I could, I would move in right now.

Do check out the Sekeping Tenggiri site for more gorgeous pictures & info. And while you're at it, have a looksee at the renovation process. You'll be amazed at how two humdrum houses were converted into sophistication.

All pictures are from Star Property which also has a nice write-up about ST.


  1. Its a lovely house. We rented it for my hubby's bday party. Awesome place and great location.

  2. ooooh how lovely! how many people did you have? the living area looks small but so cozy. thinking of planning my 30th bday there if possible. would you mind emailing me the particulars as in cost, number of ppl, are they ok about bringing in food & alcohol, etc? would really appreciate it, thanks!

  3. wow!! lush in the middle of bangsar! i knew about serendah and always thought it to be such a dreamy weekend getaway... also thought seapark brickhouse to be nice place to house guests in comparison to boring hotels but i didnt know they did tenggiri too.. so nice lar.

  4. Shelby! never imagine i'd find your comments here... but then again, i am not surprised ;-)

    hehee.. i came to check out some pix on tenggiri before we actually set afoot there on the 26th June!

