
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I love furoshiki. What is it you ask? Well, furoshiki is the Japanese term for a simple square cloth that is used to wrap anything & everything while being eco-friendly at the same time (I've blogged about it here & here before). But the Japanese being Japanese, they have elevated to something as simple as wrapping to an art form. And if Furoshiki is an art form, then the folks at Kakefuda are artisans.

[Taken off Kyoto Guide] Kakefuda is a small but an unique furoshiki shop in downtown of Kyoto. Of course they have many furoshiki but that's not just like other souvenir shops - they manage all process in making their products by themselves. They design, take a pattern, dye and sew... thus workshop is rarely seen in Kyoto. When you enter Kakefuda you see an old sewing machine at the shop front, and at a back room, they dye a variety of cloth stuff like asfuroshiki , shop curtains and flags.

Check out the video below for a little sneak peek into this shop & how furoshiki is done.


  1. I love using furoshiki too!! was given one for my bday and love it to bits. use it everywhere! hey, you can consider selling it too!

    Btw, how's it going with the produce bag? managed to make for selling? I'm still waiting.. :)

  2. i've been using furoshiki for years too without knowing what it was until i stumbled on a blog post awhile back! hehehe

    i've made a whole bunch of produce bags but have yet to snap a picture of them yet. will keep you posted once they're up for sale k?
