
Friday, April 23, 2010

Blanca Gomez

I just love Blanca Gomez's work. I've been meaning to blog about this artist before but it always seems to slip my mind although I don't know how! I just love the simple lines used by Gomez that evoke the 50s & 60s which is hands down my favorite era. You can check out the rest of this artist's work here & buy them on Etsy.


  1. how do you manage to find such amazing artists on esty all the time? I always browse through but never see anything this interesting. this is why i love to read your blog. you blog bout all the things I love!! I love all art, fashion and jewellery from that era too! ^0^

  2. awww thanks for your support but honestly, i find these artists by reading other people's blogs! hehehe. design*sponge & creature comforts always feature really great art work as these artists actually write in to them to be featured on their sites! check out the link on my side bar, they're SO worth a visit.
