
Monday, March 22, 2010

Eunice + Daniel

I love a good wedding & & Eunice & Daniel's just topped my list of all-time favorite weddings ever! It has also been featured in the Spring 2010 Martha Stewart Weddings so that should give you an idea of how fabulous this wedding is. Enjoy the pictures below (more details can be found here on 100 Layer Cake or you can wait for the magazine to hit our shores for all the nitty gritty).


  1. Lovely lovely photos - it feels like an otherworld wedding. *heart*

    If I ever get married - I'd do it outdoors too!

  2. i've been trying VERY hard not to buy magazines of late but i just had to pick up the spring issue of martha stewart weddings just to pour over the pages of this wedding!

    i totally agree that it feels so otherworldly :)
