
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Are 1/3 Daffodil

Well, what do you know? I always knew I had the makings of an innocent flower bud in me! Hehehe.  

You are One-Third Daffodil is a clever compilation of little known facts about life and the world around you, meant to amaze and baffle you. Now, I don't usually pick up books like this for myself (but I think it'll make a great child's gift) but the awesome jacket design had me at hello. Talk about judging a book by its cover eh?

Via Carrying On.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Philippe Roucou

These these polaroid-style scarves by Philippe Roucou are g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s. I'm eyeing the one with the balloon.

Via Oh Joy.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I'm not sure what Cletus means but this picture by Matthias is simply gorgeous. I just had to share it with you lovelies. How was your weekend? I have some exciting news to share soon ;)

Via Creature Comforts.

Friday, March 26, 2010

DIY Paper Starburt Garlands

You know me. I'm all about the garlands & I love this gently tattered garland which uses pages of old books & printouts. Although I think ripping a book is sacrilegious, I don't mind reusing my pages of misprints for this project. Full tutorial here on Project Wedding.

Via Creature Comforts.

P/S: I'm off to Tioman for some scuba diving this weekend (if the weather holds up)! Hope you lovelies will have an awesome weekend too! XOXO

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Ok seriously. The last couple of days have been crazy hectic & I haven't been able to concentrate on much (if you've been following my twitter you might have an idea why). My crafting & this blog has been suffering so today I'm going to channel The Craftifesto written by Amy Carlton & Cinnamon Copper, who organizes the DIY Trunk Show in Chicago. This illustration by Kate Bingaman-Burt appears in Handmade Nation, the book & documentary written/produced by Faythe Levine & Cortney Heimerl, which documents the handmade movement in the United States (I've blogged about it here).

Download your very own copy of The Craftifesto here & remember, the power is in your hands!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Although I love a good mug of coffee (I recently tweeted about my love for Starbucks' Caramel Machiatto), I am a certified tea drinker. Black tea, green tea, white tea or herbal tea I've probably tried them all & have plenty of favourites (with Morracan Mint, Chrysanthemum & Aesop's Herbal tea topping my list). So imagine my delight when I spotted these teacup plushies by Olive complete with little hang tags & little labels that say "P.S. I Love You"! They're just too cute to handle but I want one. Heheeee.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sweet Disposition

This song, Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap has been playing on repeat while I work on a new collection for Mimpi Murni. You gotta love the lyrics...

Sweet disposition
Never too soon
Oh, reckless abandon
Like no one's watching you

A moment, a love
A dream aloud
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream aloud
A moment, a love
A dream aloud

So stay there
Because I'll be coming over
And while our blood's still young
It's so young
It runs
And we won't stop until it's over
Won't stop to surrender

Songs of desperation
I played them for you
A moment, a love
A dream aloud
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, aloud
A moment, a love
A dream aloud

Monday, March 22, 2010

Eunice + Daniel

I love a good wedding & & Eunice & Daniel's just topped my list of all-time favorite weddings ever! It has also been featured in the Spring 2010 Martha Stewart Weddings so that should give you an idea of how fabulous this wedding is. Enjoy the pictures below (more details can be found here on 100 Layer Cake or you can wait for the magazine to hit our shores for all the nitty gritty).

Friday, March 19, 2010

Shelter Kit Home

If you're like me, you much rather have a nice plot of land in the middle of nowhere (or close to nowhere) & build a cozy little cottage on the land then living in urban grandeur like this couple who bought a USD45k Shelter Kit home & built it on their USD35k 6 acre lot in New Lebanon, NY. Maybe someday I'll have something like this. In the meantime, one can dream....

Via Olivet.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alexandra Grecco

Oh la la! These rompers & onesies by Alexandra Grecco are just so dreamily romantic, don't you think? They look very much vintage inspired too which is right up my alley. Love them.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Vintage Party

Don't you just love a great themed party? Well, how about a vintage theme? For kids no less! How cool is that?!? Photographed by Jeremy Harwell & planned, styled & executed by his wife, this party was for their (very lucky) daughter. Check out the rest of the details & pictures here over at Decor8.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mimpi ♥ BFM Radio

Ooooh, I just remembered a little something! Did you folks catch me on BFM Radio yesterday? In case you didn't, here's the link to the podcast below.

I was on the Open For Business show with the famous Internet Marketer Irfan Khairi (coincidentally, my father's hero) who gave me lots of good advice about expanding my business, building an e-commerce website DIY style & "letting go"... you'll see what I mean when you listen to the podcast!

As before, I had a lot of fun on the show with Freda who is the host & I must say that the BFM listeners are really helpful as I've been getting lots of emails with great tips & advice. Keep them coming folks! I was also very pleased to find that despite his millions, Irfan was extremely nice & oh so humble not to mention a goldmine of information.

Anyways, hope you get a nugget or two of useful info from the show. Keep tuning in on BFM 89.9 The Business Station!

This shot was taken with my iPhone so that would explain the fuzziness.
(l - r) Freda, me & Irfan


I'm not much of a brooch person but after spotting these awesome blossoms styled on EmersonMade, I'm seriously rethinking my personal accessory choices. Oh, and you got to love that fabric bridal bouquet below! It's chic, vintage-y & long lasting. Perfection.

Via The Bright Side Project.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fabric Of Our Lives

How's your Monday morning going so far? The Monday Blues was getting to me so I did a little blog hopping & found this little gem of a video for The Fabric of Our Lives that cheered me up. It's cute, the song's catchy, the wardrobe to die for & there's Zooey Deschanel who is the epitome of everything that I love: indie & femininity. I feel better already.

Via The Drifter & The Gypsy.

P/S: Thanks to everyone who dropped by my booth last Saturday & especially for braving the mud. You guys seriously rule!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mimpi ♥ International Women's Day

I can't believe it's March already! Boy, time really is flying by so fast. Needless to say, I've been super busy but I got to tell you that I'm loving it. March is proving to be especially busy but I'm taking some time out to take part in an event organised by 3R & UNICEF in conjunction with International Women's Day, an event that is near & dear to my heart. More info below...

 Click on the image for a larger view

3R & UNICEF are proud to present : INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY together with other NGO's such as AWAM, WAO, SIS, EMPOWER and many more!

There will be a walkathon with a little twist. Just get your whistles ready & blow with all your might to draw some attention to women's rights! Log on to to register for the walkathon & you will receive a free goodie bag upon registration. Go register quick!

Performances by One Nation Emcees, Lah Ahmaad, Aizat , Dayang Nurfaizah, Vince Chong and Azlan & the Typewriter will keep you entertained throughout the day & hey, if you're in need of some retail therapy, THREADSZOO will be there in full force along with Mimpi Murni with loads of new jewelry designs & exciting new products!

Date: Saturday, March 13th, 2010
Time: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Central Park, One Utama (Map)
FB Event Page:

Yup, you read right! 20% off on all jewelry only at the International Women's Day event. Don't miss out & I hope I'll be seeing you lovelies real soon! XOXO

Bento Lunch Boxes

Last night I tweeted about these adorable bento lunch boxes that Mena Trott creates for her daughter Penelope. Even though I'm a little older than Penelope (ok, much MUCH much older) I wish someone would whip up star shaped rice balls & fish shaped pieces of cheese for me. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon so I guess I'll just have to make them myself! I foresee a trip to Daiso very, very soon ;)

Via Happiness Is.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sugar Garden

These sugar cubes are very Alice In Wonderland worthy. All you need is some sugar cubes (duh!), small, edible royal icing flowers (which you can get at any good baking supply shop) & a tiny amount of royal icing or scripting gel (Cold Storage has these too). Dab on the icing, gently place the flowers, let dry & voila, your very own sugar garden & the perfect excuse to organise a tea party!

Full tutorial here via Bake It Pretty.

Home Is Where The Heart Is: Frenchie & Flea

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday lovely folks. I totally spaced out, my bad. To make up for it, here's a peek of the craft space of the crafty maven behind Frenchie & Flea (which is my new fave blog haunt). Here are more pictures of the crafty nook & as an added bonus, here's the house tour featured on Apartment Theraphy. How can you not love this sunny & quirky space?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Trompe L'Oeil Tassel Tote

"The posh details of this canvas bag are utterly classic and ultimately illusory." Yup, you read right lovelies. All those details were simply silk screened, totally upping the class factor of the humble canvas tote. I want one please!

Check it out here on Anthropologie.

Via Blah Blah Blahg.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Postcard Garden

Wouldn't mind getting one of these in the mail. What is it? Read on below:

"The Postcarden by Aimée of A Studio for Design is an ingenious pop-up post card that becomes a mini-garden, adding a little note of fresh and living greenery to your environment. Currently available in three designs — botanical, city, and allotment — each Postcarden comes with a packet of cress seeds. You simply add water for two weeks of goodness (the cress is edible — add a little to your sandwich or salad on the spot). Right now it's only available within the EU, but Aimée plans to expand distribution to the U.S. and other areas soon."

Via The Benevolent Postcard Society.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lost Things

Lost Things is gorgeous short stop-motion film by Ithyle photography & A Fine Frenzy. Very Alice in Wonderland-esque which is so big right now but wonderful nevertheless.

Via Oh Joy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cannelle Et Vanille

I just stumbled onto a gem of a blog. If you're ever on the lookout for some food inspiration, head on to Cannelle Et Vanille for a dose of gorgeous food styling & recipes that will get you drooling even before you taste the finished product. You will be inspired in spades, I promise you.

Via Wolf & Willow.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Art Of Sewing

I've been on a craft book (mostly sewing books) spending spree these last couple of weeks. I must have bought out the entire craft section of Kinokuniya so I guess I better go on a book fast & give them a chance to restock their shelves. But that's not gonna stop me from looking up books online right? Sneaky me. Hehehe.

These vintage hardcover beauties are from a 12-volume Art of Sewing series by Time Life Books & includes: Boutique Attire, The Custom Look, Delicate Wear, Exotic Styling, Separates that Travel, Creative Design, The Classic Technique, The Sporting Scene, The Personal Touch, Traditional Favorites, Basic Tailoring, and Shortcuts to Elegance. Love 'em! Now, where can I find them??

Via Hi + Low.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

DIY Mini Notepad

I love a great notebook or notepad, I kid you not. I hoard my favorite ones & will buy the same particular design over & over again & will mourn its loss once discontinued. What better way to break this cycle by making my very own notebooks right? It's also a great way to reuse all the little scraps of paper i have laying aroung. And so, if you're like me (or just love notepads & DIY-ing) why don't you check out this nifty tutorial over at Photojojo? Have fun!

Via Creature Comforts.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jenni Rope

How was your nice, long holiday weekend my lovelies? I had a nice break & stayed away from the laptop the whole weekend. And so, to help ease you & me back into work again, here's a little dreamy stop-motion animation by Jenni Rope entitled Kiipeilypuu / The Climbing Tree. Enjoy!