
Monday, February 1, 2010

BFM 89.9 FM

Hey sweethearts! Just a head's up: tomorrow at 10am yours truly will be on air with Freda Liu on BFM 89.9 FM. Wish me luck! ;)

P/S: I won't be able to blog tomorrow but I'll be back on schedule the day after, I promise. XOXO


  1. Good Luck! Hope that all goes well...

  2. Hi, heard you on bfm this morning and I thought the interview was great. One of my favourite ecommerce sites is, selling, now get this - handmade stuff like ear rings! Started by a 16 yr old (then), they now do something to the tune of USD12mil a month. Google "Etsy revenue" for more.

    Think big. You can do it. Malaysia is a small market. But you could expand to larger countries.

  3. thanks najmin! i had a lot of fun on the show :)

    hey ya from beyond the wall! etsy is my all-time favourite go to place to get awesome arts & crafts! thanks for the support & motivation. will definitely start to think bigger & better "dreams" ;)

  4. Murni, I came across a local ecommerce portal. perhaps you may explore. seems to be good.

  5. oooo i just checked it out & i'm seriously thinking of going with them! will check around a bit more ;)

    thanks for the awesome tip!
