
Friday, January 15, 2010

A Plea For Help

For those of you who regularly visit this little ol' abode of mine on the www would know, I always try to keep it happy-clappy here. However, there comes a time when certain things can not be ignored. I am on a few animal welfare mailing list & today I received quite a number of emails uncovering MORE appalling conditions of the Klang Municipal Dog Pound. In the past I have refrained posting anything upsetting because like I said, I wanted to keep this space a positive one so please forgive me as I'm about to rock your boat if you are not already aware of this particular situation. I'll let the pictures do the talking...

Pitiful suffering

The dogs are kept in overcrowded pens with the little food provided splashed all over the floor. Most of the dogs will not get to eat & will eventually starve.

These poor pups are too scared to even move & are most probably bullied.

A mother dog protecting her babies. This photo really had me crying.

Some the dogs that were taken in are obviously someone's pet. This guy in the front even had a collar on! The dog catchers are paid an incentive which has resulted in them going out to catch dogs at all times of the day. Apparently their favorite time is about 6 or 6 pm when pet owners come back from work & release their dogs to ease themselves. Sneaky buggers!

This is the man responsible for the carnage. Shame on him!

More pictures & info at Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better. I urge you to click on the link to get a better idea of what sort of cruelty our government is getting away with. It is truly appalling & we really need to do something about it. Apparently
the Klang Municipal Council’s dog catching unit is going on a rampage as the dog catchers have been given incentives for every dog caught which has resulted in them going out to catch dogs at all times of the day regardless if they are strays or someone's pet! What if it was your dog caught & put through this hell?

And so, if you are appalled as I am, please forward this to all your animal-loving friends & heck, to anyone you know who has a heart to alert them of this atrocity being propagated by the government that WE  the rakyat have chosen. Remember, only WE the rakyat can give them a swift kick in the ass for being such numbnuts!

Please, from the goodness of your heart, email the government reps & bodies below with this email prepared by Ms Davina Goh to voice out your concern (or in my case, anger!). Remember now folks, all you have to do is click on the link above, copy + paste the email & send it to the email addresses below (
The emails are that of the Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the state executive councillors, Klang Municipal Council officials as well as the Klang MP Charles Santiago). Let's flood their inboxes & make them sit up & take notice!


  1. Hi Murni

    I sent that e-mail but at least six e-mail addresses bounced back. Also left a message at the Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better blog to let them know.


  2. yeah, same thing happened to me too june! i think those inboxes may already be flooded at this point but keep on trying to send it in. we have to get the message across. thanks for the support anyways! you rock :)

  3. Hi Murni

    Have forwarded your email to a PJ councilor i know & he has in turn forwarded to other councilors. Hopefully some action/ investigation can come out of it.


  4. that's just so AWESOME elyse! thank you for helping bring more attention to this case! if you need help to follow up with this PJ councilor do let me know k? thanks again!!
