
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Although 2009 has given me some really awesome news & wonderful experiences, I've also had plenty of disappointments & sadness especially towards the end of this year. To be quite honest with you, I can't wait to put this year behind me. I know I only share with you all my happiest moments (being featured in Malaysian Women's Weekly, interviewed on NTV7's Breakfast Show, Urbanscapes, Chic Pop, etc.) & nothing really personal but a lot of negative things went down too that I chose not to share. Why you ask? Well, Mimpi Murni is a very positive part of my life & all of you have contributed greatly to that positivity so I guess in a way, I didn't want to bring down that positivity with tints of sadness. After all, Mimpi Murni is & always will be special to me & I make a conscious effort everyday to keep it that way despite whatever happens. I sincerely hope this reflects here in this little ol' blog.

And so, I can't wait for 2010 to roll in! Bring on more good news, more reasons to be happy & I will gladly embrace it with open arms & an open heart. In the meantime, I look forward to spending some time tonight with the love of my life over some nice wine & good laughs.

Have a safe celebration tonight folks & in case I don't catch you tomorrow, Happy New Year! XOXO


  1. you right, murni. dont let the sadness spoilt every happiness that u have! go! go!

  2. Yeah, I hear you dear! I'm grateful for life's every blessing & I think the sadness & dissapointments only serve to make me stronger. Thanks or dropping by my blog & Happy New Year to you! :)
