
Monday, October 5, 2009

Pooped Out From Chic Pop

Whoah guys, thanks for the loving at Chic Pop: Street Market! My table was unexpectedly wiped out on Saturday & I had to spend the wee hours of Sunday morning frantically making new things to fill up my table. The lipbalms sold well (I only have 2 each left of the Mango Peach & French Vanilla) & I'm already hearing good things from those who bought it. If you bought a lipbalm please drop me a line & tell me what you think k?

Anyways, the lone picture above was the only shot I managed to snap on Sunday morning after setting up which was a tad quieter than the previous day but I still managed to talk myself hoarse & finished about 3 boxes of business cards! It honestly felt like being at Urbanscapes with the hordes of people that came but minus the heat & live performances! Kudos to the Tongue In Chic team for pulling off a stellar event (as always).

My only regret was not being able to shop. Gorjes & MyFavouriteTees had a sale & I saw loads of really awesome stuff being snapped up right, left & center. But I did manage to spend my hard earned money on a custom made Light Blok from Syamly. He made the Mimpi Light Blok that I've been using as my sign since last year. And now despite withstanding lots of abuse it's still in perfect working condition but I thought it's time I get a full Mimpi Murni done in cursive script! Yay! Will show you once it's all done :)

Hope your weekend was just as fabulous as mine my lovelies! And if you were one of those who took the trouble to drop by my stall & say "hey ya", I thank you from the bottom of my very grateful heart. You all never fail to rock my socks off!

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