
Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am so very much in love with Pixar's (not-so) new movie, Up. I know I tweeted this last week but I gotta say that I must've scared the folks sitting nearby us with my out-of-control-laughter & not-very-adult-like-glee when Tsu Mae, Bobby & I watched the 3D version. It was gloriously clap-happy funny & I'm SO going to watch it again! And again. And again. I think when I do have kids someday, I'm going to bore them senseless by making them watch Up over & over again. Hah!

Anyways, if you have kids in your life or if you're a kid for life, make sure you take some time out to go watch this movie. It's a darling little gem that will not only have you laughing like a rollicking hyena but also capable of turning you into soft, gooey, mush. Two thumbs & two stinky big toes up. Pun intended.

P/S: I'm especially in love with Dug the talking Golden Retriver. It just slayed me when he said, "I just met you, and I love you" & believe or not but this animated characther was awarded the Palm Dog Award by the British film critics as the best canine performance at Cannes Film Festival! Yay Dug!


  1. I totally love the movie to. I just love how it's so mature yet it was so damn funny. POINT! i guess i could join u cz i laughed till i cried!

  2. YAY Shikin! it's so nice to hear that someone else loves the movie as much as i do :)

    i even downloaded the wallpaper & i'm looking for the official merchandise too! hehehe
