
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mimpi Murni ♥ Malaysian Women's Weekly

I know I already twittered about this yesterday but to some of you who don't already know, guess who's been featured in the latest Malaysian Women's Weekly? Besides Drew Barrymore that is...

Under the coolest headline too (I have to agree with @melmaureen when she said that although I might just be biased)!

Little ol' me & my jewelry! Quick, go get a copy & flip on over to page 128 & don't forget to take a gander at the other lovely talented ladies featured as well: Jacqueline Ng of Gin & Jacqie bags, Nancy Kua of NancesK lingerie & Mawarni Adam McCalman of Marve Speciality Gift Services.

Needless to say, I'm pleased as punch & I want to say big "Hi Ya!" to those of you who are dropping by this corner of Blogspot via the article. Sorry that most of my designs are sold out right now but I promise you an update is in the works so do join my mailing list on the column to your left for a head's up on the latest update, previews & promos. You won't be dissapointed!


  1. big kudos mimpi!! don't usually read mww but will go get one to read it now. crazy happy for you babydoll... and who knows maybe one day i'll get to share the same headline ;)

  2. Yeah, Kudos to you Murni.. And you looked gorgeous in the pic too! :)

  3. awwwww, thanks ladies! your continued support means so much to me :D

    shelby: i'm sure you'll get an even cooler & bigger headline someday soon ;)

    mia&mika: thank you dear. i don't usually wear makeup that thick & do my hair that way so i can honestly say i don't look like that in real life! hahaha
