
Friday, August 14, 2009

Mimpi ♥ 8TV Quickie Raya Carnival

Hey ya lovelies! Just a quick little note that Mimpi will be at 8TV Quickie's Raya Carnival this Saturday at CapSquare from 12pm - 6pm! I will be bringing in lots of new designs & if you take part in 8TV's fun & games, you might stand a chance to win some Mimpi jewelry on top of all sorts of other goodies!

Do note that 10% of all Mimpi sales will be channeled to 8TV's charity fund for Yayasan Anak Yatim Pinggir, Tmn Tun Dr. Ismail. There will also be some performances by the likes of Bo Iqram, Ana Raffali & Couple plus 8TV Quickie will be recording their Raya segment throughout the day & you can expect all sorts of fun activities that you can take part in too! So do come on by for a shot at 15 minutes of fame while getting a head start on your Raya shopping & doing your part for charity! Sounds like a fun day? You bet!

Event: 8TV Quickie Raya Carnival
Date: 15 Aug 09 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm - 6pm
Venue: CapSquare, Jln Ampang
(map below & click here for more directions)

Hope to see you there!


  1. ana raffali not ana ramali.


  2. thanks for the correction. i actually just copied & pasted from the email the organizer sent! heh >_<
