
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Matchbox Project

I was charmed off my socks when I first read about The Matchbox Project via the Inside Out blog (Inside Out by the way is one of my fav ID mags). Sonya Gee who came up with this brilliant idea empties out matchboxes to include little treats such as a Legoman, baby harmonica, slingshot, toy bowling set, time capsule, stationery, XS-sized zine, confettin (pictured above), mushroom pendant (pictured below) or other small treats & leaves it somewhere randomly for a stranger to find. Most of these tiny presents have been scattered across Sydney, Australia & have even made it to as far as France! You can even follow the matchboxes on a specific Google map & even on twitter so that you can hunt the little darlings down if you happen to be in the area.

To quote the website: Each week, a decorated matchbox with a tiny present hidden inside is left by a girl (and sometimes willing friends) somewhere in her travels. It's a random act of semi-artistic kindness aimed at disrupting someone's day in a tiny but positive way. That's if they dare to pick it up...

Love, love, love this idea to bits!

I'm so inspired by this project that I might want to start a little something of my own. What do you lovely people think? Any & all feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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