
Friday, May 22, 2009

28 & Lovin' It!

Hey ya folks! By 2:22 PM today I will be exactly 28 years old. Yup, yup. It's my birthday today but instead of a big hooplah, I'd like to spend it with just the boyfriend, a slice (or two - hey it's my birthday) of Banoffee pie from Alexis, a bottle of Chianti wine & a great movie. Then tomorrow, we're going on a yet to be determined outdoor adventure. Can't wait! I'll share it with you kind folks on Monday (if I survive whatever he has planned that is!).

In the meantime, I have a little surprise in store. If you stick around till approximately 3:00 PM today you'l find out what. Stay tuned!

P/S: A big THANK YOU to everyone who has sent me birthday wishes via phone calls, text message, emails & Facebook! I feel so extremely blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. XOXO


  1. happy 28th murni!! =)
    y dun u try ba rock climbing??
    i just think its gud, bcuz i myself've been wanting to try but didnt have tyme just yet!

    hope u haf a blast!

  2. Hey Murni,

    Have a wonderful 28th birthday !!

  3. thank jamma & wendy! :D

    sounds like a good idea jamma. might try that out. wanna join? haha ;)
