
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And The Winner Is....

COMMENTER NUMBER 3!!! picked Jasmine ;D as the winner of the very first Mimpi Giveaway & will receive a Sonata necklace!!! WooOoohooOOoooo! Read her lovely comment below...

And would you believe that this lucky little lady's 16th birthday is coming soon? Talk about fate man! Well, happy HAPPY birthday in advance Jasmine, hope you'll like the necklace. Do drop me an email with your full name & mailing address so that I can post the necklace to you as soon as possible.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated & left me such beautiful words of encouragement & support. I still have that nice warm, fuzzy feeling from reading all your comments & so once again, let me say how grateful I am from the bottom of my overflowing heart. In truth, I'm the big winner out of this whole experience although I do hope you all enjoyed it too so be on the lookout as I predict more giveaways in the near future!


  1. yeah! congrats jasmine!! when are you gonna drop me an email?!

  2. poutily says 'kudos jasmine'... but my bday's coming soon too..! darn, murni: more giveaways more giveaways!!

    *giggle* just kidding-lah. good for you jasmine my fellow arien.

  3. happy bday in advance to you too shelby!!! oh, i hear you doll! more giveaways coming up soon ;)

  4. hey ya jasmine! sent you an email already ;)
