
Friday, March 27, 2009


I guess I should be flattered that there are certain quarters out there who feel the necessity to copy my designs or steal my ideas but honestly, I feel so violated. Anyways, you know who you are & shame on you!

Thanks to those who were kind enough to point out these imitators & continue to support Mimpi. You all never fail to rock my world. I will continue to work hard & bring you fresh designs... These imitators are gonna have to work extra hard to catch up with me from now on.


  1. oh dear... imitation is flattery... but you know, there's nothing better than the original! will be in KL soon and hope to attend bazaars that I've missed for the past 2 and a half years!

  2. hey ya mel! hahaha yeah i guess i could look at it that way... in fact, you just made my day!

    oh, it's nice to hear that you'll be back in KL. just gimme a buzz when you're back & i'll hook you up. hehehe ;)
