
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No More Rants

I've decided to take down my long-winded rants I posted up earlier about some crappy things that have happened to me the last couple of days which pushed me over the edge. So much so that I seriously thought I should end my Going Indie posts & stop trusting people in business all together which is not what I'm about nor is Mimpi. Also, this blog is a happy place & I really should keep it that way. My apologies for boring you with the petty details & getting all emo all over you.

Luckily I will be going off to Bali tomorrow for about a week (yay!) as I desperately need a break. Don't worry though... I've scheduled some blog posts to pop up during my absence so you'll have something to read about while I'm away. I'm nice like that :)

Hopefully I'll be able to come back with an optimistic perspective about the issues that I'm facing or better yet, put these damn issues behind me once & for all. A big THANK YOU to everyone who continue to support Mimpi. You all never fail to blow my mind. XOXO

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