
Friday, March 13, 2009

More Paper Cranes

I love laid back weddings. Especially ones that were done on a budget & yet manage to look so gorgeous & well planned. My hats off to Nancy & Ethan along with my heartiest of congratulations.

Oh, and did you spot the paper cranes that the happy couple folded themselves to use as decorations? They folded a thousand white paper cranes together to symbolise their patience & understanding for one another. Neat! Another great idea for those paper cranes I'm itching to fold.

More pictures below & you can read + see more from this lovely wedding here & here.

P/S: The pictures from Bali are taking forever to upload & seem to get stuck at every other picture so if you want to see the pictures, head on over to my Flickr album where they will be slowly but surely uploaded to.

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