
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have a Green Christmas

Found a great article on EcoKnights titled Looking For A Green Christmas. They pointed out some really great ways to have an eco friendly Christmas. For example:
  • Send a virtual card instead of mailing a card.
  • Opt for a real tree instead of fake. Get a potted one if possible so that you can regrow it.
  • When out Christmas shopping, bring your own shopping bags. I have some awesome Rume bags that I bought from Tiny Tapir which I use constantly.
  • Choose LED fairy lights to decorate your Christmas tree if you must as it doesn't take up as much power as the conventional ones.
  • Give your loved ones handmade presents instead of store bought ones or equally thoughtful, donate to an organization you or your gift recipient is passionate about in his or her name.
  • Recycle your newspapers, store paper bags, left over wrapping paper or use a scarf to wrap your pressies. Recycle, recycle, recycle!
  • More green tips here.

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