
Monday, November 10, 2008

The Classics

Spotted this over at Design*Sponge. It seems Peguin Classics will be releasing a 10 book series with these specially printed vintage inspired covers in a matte foil design. Don't they look gorgeous? I see 4 of my all-time favorite titles there & well, I've been meaning to read the rest. I'm hoping they'll release it here in Malaysia soon. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any info on the Peguin Classics website so I guess I'll just have to pop by Borders or Kinokuniya to try my luck. If anyone spots these babies out there do let me know.

:: update ::
After a bit of sleuthing, I found out that the books are a Waterstone's Exclusive and will only be distributed in the UK for now. Click here if you'd like to purchase the book from Waterstone directly.


  1. Wow... theyre so pretty... I remember reading Emily Bronte dulu in high school... and the book was so affordable beli kat mph..

    These ones look so good- and too pretty macam tak leh baca... nak tengok je cover dia for hours kan??

    Hehe Thanks for the info Ribena Berry!



  2. hey tats! you can still get the classics for something like RM5 at MPH ya'know! plus it's made with recycled paper! i bought quite a few recently...

    yeah, the art work is really pretty. let me know if you manage to get your hands on the waterstone exclusives yeah?

    take care babe! xoxo
