
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Someone's Got To Do It

If you've ever tried online shopping before or are a frequent online shopper, you must have felt overwhelmed by the massive amount of e-shops out there at one point or another. I typed in Malaysian blog shop on Google & got hit back with over 400,000 results!

Fret not because there are a few intrepid ladies out there who scour the net to find & review all those blog shops out there. Well, maybe not all 400,000 but you get the picture lah! Go pick up a Star newspaper today & take a look at the Youth section for an article featuring these lovely ladies & their review blogs:

Soh Yien Yee of A Shopaholic's Den
Boo Sha-Lyn of Diary of An E-Shopaholic
Charlotte Khor of Little Accompaniments

Charlotte Khor of Little Accompaniments wearing an Emma on Star today!

Here's the link to the article.

Congratulations ladies & I can't thank you enough for helping blog shops like mine reach a wider audience & for the support you have shown. A special thank you to Charlotte of Little Accompaniments who pointed out the article & check it out, she's wearing an Emma ring during the interview! Awesome!


  1. Hey Murni,

    A friend of mine also went to Bijou and got Emma (or something similar) too. It's beautiful :)

    Looking forward to more classy pieces!

  2. thanks sweetie! i'll definitely keep you posted on the next update... hopefully soon ;)

  3. I guess... this is one of your most popular items.. coz i fell in love with mind when i bought it from you too.. hahahaha.. like so sayang to keep it at home.. feel like wearing it all the time...

  4. awww that's so sweet of you to say so! thanks mel. i hope emma brings you luck dear :)
