
Thursday, September 25, 2008


One of the things I look forward to every year during Raya is the abundance of cookies & biscuits & all of those lovely nibbly crunchies! I'll be making a batch of my trademark Seaweed Crisps for my loved ones but if I have the time next week, I'll definitely swing by Cuppacakes & get me a few containers of the cookies pictured above. The packaging is not only seriously cute but at RM6 - RM10 per container I think it's pretty affordable too. I'll let you know how they taste if & when I get my hands on them.


  1. omigosh! they look so shedap!!

    nak nak nak! =DD

  2. ok ok ok i'll save you a box if i get some at cuppacakes k babe? selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin ;)

  3. cuppacakes nyer cuppies pun menarik kan???
