
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bijou Bazaar @ Menara Hap Seng

I turned up bright & early at Bijou's latest venue. In fact, I think I was one of the first to set up at the ground floor level of Menara Hap Seng which was designated just for Arts & Music (Clothes were set up upstairs)! Anyways, this gave me the opportunity to take my own sweet time setting up my table which was located right smack in front of the main entrance, under some bamboo plants to the side of Starbucks.

New table cloth (I'm so in love with Japanese Cotton)! Oh hey, that's me in the mirror... Hi ya!

This side of the table...

That side of the table.

Bijou Bazaar is synonomous with rubber duckies did you know that? I think a few were er, kidnapped.

Shopping & coffee... well, tea for me lah but it's all good baby!

These guys were fantastic but didn't manage to catch their name. I'm going to get their CD if I can at the next Bijou Bazaar this weekend.

I was surprised to find that I was kept pretty busy throughout the bazaar as the crowd slowly but surely trickled in. So much so that I didn't even have time to check out the clothes upstairs until it was time to pack up! Oh well, at least I have this weekend to do some serious damage to my purse...

Hope to see you there this weekend ;)


  1. no idea babe! but i'm definitely going to get their CD this weekend if i can! i'm sure the organisers of bijou will be able to get me a CD... *cross my fingers*
