
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Shoo, Ghetto!

I like to take the pictures of my jewelry in the garden. Natural light and all that ya'know. The problem is though, the neighborhood cats like hanging around there and being the divas that they naturally are, they can never resist the urge to butt in.

The pictures below are of one persistent little kitty I like to call Ghetto cos he's a little gangsta'!

First shot. So far, so good.


Move it Ghetto! (No cats were harmed during the production of this montage)

*Grumble* Silly cat! *Grumble* Grumble*

Awwwww! You're so cute! OK, I forgive you...

Back to the shot.


*Sigh* I give up....

Hope you like it Ghetto!


  1. i think i like ghetto!!!

    hahahahaha ...

  2. awwwww Ghetto is SO adorable!
    I have the same problem with my cat when I'm taking shots in the garden, but how can you be mad at them? TOO CUTE!

  3. Ghetto is sooo cute lah! You should adopt the kitty...very natural with the accessories :-)


  4. looks like ghetto is a hit with the ladies! hahaha

    maryam: seems like you're not the only one! hehehe

    fiza: i KNOW! the moment he put his little paw on my knee i melted... you can never stay mad at kitties for long... they have a strange power over humans i think.

    angeline: ghetto is actually one of my neighbor's many many cats. we try to help her out by feeding them :)
