
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cupcakes Make Great Favors

Click on the image for a clearer view.

In case you're wondering what else has been keeping me busy & away from making new jewelry: I've been busy decorating boxes of cupcakes!

These were simply done for a regular client of mine with white silk roses, white satin ribbons, "It's a Boy!" blue organza ribbons, blue teddy bear buttons & customized pink pearl stickers.

I spent a total of 5 hours hunting down the right ribbon & flowers and then another 6 hours putting it all together! Can you see the blood, sweat & tears somewhere in the pictures?? Hehehe.

Anyways, I thought the end result looked simple yet elegant... just how I like it :)

Across the Universe

This is an excellent movie I kid you not. I came across it while working in Bali a few months back (it's a pirated copy... bad Murni!) & I picked it up on a whim having never heard of it... I will never doubt my instincts again! It's so good that even the all-mighty Oprah Winfrey loves it!

Here's an excerpt from a summary on The Internet Movie Database: "An original musical film, Across The Universe is a fictional love story set in the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest, the struggle for free speech and civil rights, mind exploration and rock and roll. At once gritty, whimsical and highly theatrical, the story moves from high schools and universities in Massachusetts, Princeton and Ohio to the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Detroit riots, Vietnam and the dockyards of Liverpool. A combination of live action and animation, the film is paired with many songs by The Beatles that defined the time."

The songs sung by the cast (Jim Sturgess & Evan Rachel Woods are so freakin' adorable!) were fantastic with "Hold Me Tight" being my favorite. I'm going to pick up the soundtrack if I can find it locally otherwise it's Amazon for me. This time I'll get the *cough* original copy.

Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's Up Maaannn????

No, seriously. What is UP with this week?? First my car breaks down in the heart of KL right smack in the middle of a traffic jam, then my mobile goes all wonky on me, then I get this super large order that I can't fill in the time they need it (I need an assistant!), then a customer goes MIA after countless emails & text messages back & forth & as a grand finale, i haven't had time to make any new jewelry!

Boy, am I glad this week is almost over...

Happy Merdeka by the way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tiny Tapir

I recently made 2 purchases from eco-friendly Tiny Tapir & I'm loving them! Here's what I bought...

Crutto Totes. These are so awesome & I'm using mine to death! It folds up into an adorable mini-purse with a handle (see left) when not in use so you can store it in your handbag, in your glove box... anywhere really (I like to clip mine to my handbag straps while out shopping cos' it's just so darn adorable)! It's also reversible (the other side is a solid color) & has easily accessible hidden pockets plus a key ring holder. Every time I meet up with a girlfriend I'll go on and on about this nifty little tote that I think most of them bought one just so I'll stop! Any reason to stop plastic bag usage is a good one anyways.

Platypus bottles. I got mine in the 0.5l size & have yet to buy bottled water ever since! It rolls up when empty & I swear water doesn't taste funky like the Sigg bottles I've had in the past. It's also incredibly light weight & tough at the same time. Genius!

I'm now eying these Rume bags for my next purchase. Love the graphic designs plus the fact that it's gusseted & very sturdy (holds up to 23kg per bag!). I'll be the most stylish, eco-conscious gal at Cold Storage the next time I go grocery shopping! Hehehe.

Don't you just love Tiny Tapir? Go check them out!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mimpi SALE!

Yup, you read right dolls! I'm offering a 20% discount on all available jewelry & accessories for online orders & exclusively at Bijou Bazaar PLUS you get a FREE pair of earrings! ::UPDATE:: The promo period has been extended till 30 Sept!

Please note:
  • The discount does not apply to special request remakes or custom orders and postage.
  • The free pair of earrings are limited to 1 pair per customer only & is valid as long as stocks last.
  • The free earrings will be a random selection of pewter or brass charms such as keys, mushrooms, hearts, flowers, etc.. Sorry, you don't get to choose!
  • This offer is valid only for online orders & purchases made at Bijou Bazaar between 23 August - 30 September.
So, hurry up! Grab the available pieces while they're hot!

(To know if a piece is available online take a look at the end of each post under LABELS. It should tell you whether it's Available or Sold as I always update it).

New This Week

1. Erti, 2. Sonya, 3. Jastina,
4. Ikhlas, 5. Ya, 6. Elda,
7. Kirim, 8. Jessie, 9. Mekar,
10. Ingat, 11. Huda & 12. Yakin

Wow, I've been super busy this week. Had to play tour guide for some out of town guests (word of advice: Petaling Street is NOT a good place to bring tourists) and had to fill a large wholesale order in three days (THREE days!)... but somehow I managed to squeeze in time to make some new lovelies! Sometimes, I impress myself.

Click on the links above for more info!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


It's official. I'm hooked on silhouette cut out art. Especially these fabulous ones by Bride&Wolfe based in Australia. Look at the details gosh darn it! I dare you not to fall in love.

My fave is the climbing girl. And the sea horses. And the birds. And the deers. You get the picture. Hehehe.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


OooOoohkKaaAayYy... something just came up! I won't be able to join the following Chics Closer Bazaar due to an important personal matter that I have to attend to. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who were planning to go to buy Mimpi jewelry (I'm just as bummed out) but I'll make it up to you somehow. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, a big THANK YOU to those who braved the sweltering hot weather to swing by the bazaar today! A few of the new pieces have already been snapped up so be sure to click on the AVAILABLE button under CATEGORY at each section of this blog (EARRINGS, NECKLACES, BRACELETS & MORE!) to know what's still up for sale.

Take care darlings!

(Psst! Want to join my mailing list to get the latest updates of new products, sales & promotions? Drop me an email at with the header "Add Me To The List!")

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New This Week

Looks like being sick in bed gave me lots of time to make more stuff this week! So, here you go. Hope you like them :)

Don't forget to catch Mimpi at Chics Closet Bazaar tomorrow!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Got Me The Sniffles

I'm siiiiccckkk :(

Not only do I have the sniffles, I have a temperature of 39 degrees, phlegm and snot in abundance and a hacking cough! Did that gross you out? Hahaha. Sorry.

It's still business as usual so fret not, your orders will be sent out as promised and Mimpi will still be taking part at Chics Closet Bazaar this Sunday.

I'm filling up on antibiotics, flu & cough medication so I'll be back to good in no time! In the meantime, I'm going to curl up in bed with a Neil Gaiman book and a large box of tissues.

Stay well darlings and don't forget to check out what's new this week at Mimpi!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Genuine Buyers ONLY Please!

Ever since I've been on the local bazaar circuit I've been getting lots of exposure & coverage for my jewelry which is excellent but oh my gosh... I wasn't quite ready for the amount of emails that comes with all this exposure & coverage! It's not quite a problem lah and I feel extremely blessed and happy that there's this outpouring of interest in indie handicrafters and online shopping.

YaY for Malaysian Indie Handcrafters and Online Shopping!

I have also received plenty of orders from Malaysians (as opposed to before when it was mostly orders from overseas). This so totally ROCKS and just goes to show that Malaysians are becoming more and more open to purchasing online and love their one of a kind, handmade products. Problem is, there's a small number of people placing these orders who are unscrupulous.

They place an order, I send an invoice, they email back saying they will pay, then POOF! I don't hear from them anymore. Wha...?!?!?

I don't mind if they sent me an email with an enquiry, in fact I welcome questions! Heck, I don't even mind much if suddenly they have a change of heart as long as they let me know and don't leave me hanging for over a week! But once an order has been placed and I've confirmed availability by sending an invoice, it basically means we're in agreement and that I've already put the order aside which in turn deprives me of a potential sale from someone else, and I of course expect payment to be made within 3 working days (or within a renegotiated time frame) as stated time and time again on this blog and in my emails.

Can't get any more simple than that.

So let this be a warning to YOU, the unscrupulous buyer (I love everyone else. Really!): If you place an order and do not make payment on time, I will BLACKLIST you and forward your details to all online traders I know... And I know quite a few mind you.

Yup, it's tough lovin' time folks. The bottom line is, if you're not sure whether you want something, don't place the order. Drop me an email, ask me questions and then when you're truly ready, let's do business together. I don't bite and my friends say I'm very nice... That's why they're my friends. Heh.

(Psst! Anyone out there wants a button like the one above? I'll be happy to pass it along, just drop me an email)

Monday, August 11, 2008

New This Week

1. Audrey My Sweet, 2. Kunci Taman, 3. Taman Bunga, 4. Dalila, 5. Senyap, 6. Liana Lili, 7. Te Amo Mucho, 8. Garikan Cintaku, 9. Danila

Click on the links for more details!

Chics Closet Bazaar

Photo taken by Si Yan of La Belle Closet who also happens to be my cousin!

That's me at my table at Chics Closet Bazaar. Notice anything new?? Besides the new jewelry which have yet to be posted here *ducks rotten tomatoes* I have a new haircut! I lopped off about 6 inches of my hair (that's half a foot!) and had some lovely soft layers with a new short-ish bang done. It's nice and light now and the bf loves it.

If you missed the aforementioned bazaar, be sure you turn up for the following weeks' installments. Mimpi will be there every Sunday till the 31st of this month and I'm offering 10 - 30% discounts!

Yeah, you read right:

10 - 30% DISCOUNT* on Mimpi's handmade jewelry at Chics Closet Bazaar!
* Discount does not apply to online orders and items online will not be necessarily put on sale at the bazaar.

P/S: Did you read the Mimpi review at A Shopaholic's Den posted last Saturday? Woohoo!! Thanks Yien Yee! (Mental note to self: MUST make updates more often)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Glimpse

1. Sangkar, 2. Putik, 3. Takdir, 4. Tembikar, 5. Soraya, 6. Vintage Cabochon Hairclips, 7. Suki, 8. Jaslina, 9. Kurita, 10. Putik, 11. Hilda, 12. Cicip

All of these were sold out at Bijou! Expect more goodies at BSC this Sunday...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Shoo, Ghetto!

I like to take the pictures of my jewelry in the garden. Natural light and all that ya'know. The problem is though, the neighborhood cats like hanging around there and being the divas that they naturally are, they can never resist the urge to butt in.

The pictures below are of one persistent little kitty I like to call Ghetto cos he's a little gangsta'!

First shot. So far, so good.


Move it Ghetto! (No cats were harmed during the production of this montage)

*Grumble* Silly cat! *Grumble* Grumble*

Awwwww! You're so cute! OK, I forgive you...

Back to the shot.


*Sigh* I give up....

Hope you like it Ghetto!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Come On Over

Click on the image for a clearer view.

There's a flea market at the WIP cafe, Bangsar Shopping Center. I'll be there every Sunday till the 31st. See you there!

More info on Facebook.