
Friday, July 18, 2008

Let's Exchange Links

Do you have a craft or a blog shop and/or website? Want to exchange links? Let's do it!

Thanks for linking to Mimpi!
(Psst... don't forget to check back every now and then for my latest button designs! I'm really fickle)

This is my button. Use it wisely folks.

You can copy and paste the image above or from my Flickr. Please don't forget to link it to the Mimpi homepage at

Or if you're handy with HTML, please copy and paste the codes below for my button link:


  1. Hi Kak Murni,

    I link u way back adi, but now since you have a cute button, i decided to put it in too... anyway if u have the time just drop over my blog at

    By the way i love the earrings a lot, just wish i saw some butterflies there... ^_^

  2. hi melissa! thanks for linking. i've been to your blog already lah! love the layout and keeping up with you through reading it... noooo, i'm not stalking you :P

    hmmm... will add more butterfly things in the future just for you. wait and see k? ;)

  3. hiiiii :) just linked this blog to our blogshop :) so kindly link us back ? :)

    all items are preloved at rock bottom price ! :D

    thank you so muchhh ! :D
