
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

After Bijou Bazaar

Bijou Bazaar last weekend was great! I was tied down to my little corner that I didn't have much chance to take pictures except for a few hurried snaps here and there. The pictures of my stall above were from Sunday morning right before the bazaar officially opened (it looks kinda empty after Saturday's sales). If you were there at the bazaar, I was upstairs in the room along with Pretty Nifty, Devotee, Saya Sukalah & Ngonyes Cupcakes (hi guys!). I'm still pretty pooped out but I have a nice, glow-y, feel good vibe which is a Bijou Bazaar hallmark me thinks. The next bazaar will be in August and we're heading back to Jeumpa D'ramo. Be there or be square!


  1. Hi Murni,

    Finally, I have some time today to check out your blog. Looks great!

    I absolutely ADORE the earrings. Will spread the word to my shopaholic friends!

    Keep up the gorgeous work chica!

  2. hi fiza! glad you love the earrings. i thought it was a fair trade because my bf and i LOVE LOVE LOVE our dupe slippers! it's sooooo comfy. i'm now eyeing the black and green ones on your site ( hehehe.

    thanks for dropping by babe!
