
Thursday, May 1, 2008


I recently read about this artist who picked up a stray dog from the streets of Honduras, then chained it to a corner of an art gallery and starved the poor guy to death in the name of art. Made me cry looking at the pictures. Why would someone do something like that? Why did the gallery allow this to take place?? Why did the people watching this live 'installation' didn't do anything to save the poor dog??

I'm not going to put up the pictures here but you can read more about it here (be warned, the pictures are heart wrenching). And you know what the really crazy thing is? The prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of Central American decided that what this cruel artist did was 'art' and has invited him to repeat this travesty. Please sign the petition to stop it from happening again.
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Not to make light of the post above but I headed over to Cute Overload in search of much needed cheer and found this video. Hope it cheers you up too.

Super bunnies! Support shelter rabbits. Click on over to Clicker Bunny & Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter. If you're from Kuala Lumpur, check out the SPCA in Ampang as they sometimes have bunnies for adoption too.

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