
Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Dessert Bar

Look what I recently discovered while out shopping for groceries at Isetan, KLCC...
Click on the image for a closer look at the yummy dessert.

Dessert's Bar specializes in fresh and wholesome desserts with no preservatives and 100% natural ingredients. Imagine dessert that is not only yummy but it's good for you too! Oh, I'm so happy right now that I'm tingling right down to my little toes!

They have a promotional space in front of Isetan's grocery market until 21 May and have loads of free samples for you to try out. The staff were incredibly friendly, helpful and enthusiastic about their product that I came away with a stomach full of free samples and about RM60 poorer from buying almost everything they had on sale.

I would've loved to stay and try out their crepes and other delectable desserts but since I had to rush for an appointment I treated myself to a Grape Smoothie (it had no sugar in it and was simply made with a variety of grapes and crushed ice), a jar of Mango and Kiwifruit Jam (no preservatives, not too sweet and soooo good!), about 2 packs of their Pizzelles so that I can recreate their famous "tapas" at home and a pack of their yet to be officially launched Green Tea Tiramisu. It's not even available at their stores yet so if you happen to be around KLCC do go and try it out because it's seriously good!

To find the closest Dessert's Bar near you, click here. I think I'll be spending more time at Menara Hap Seng from now on...

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