
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ever since I've been busy getting this blog together, I've been really quiet over at my old blog and here too even though there have been loads of things I wanted to blog about. Like for instance...
Sujay and Poh Imm's always fun and laid back parties

Af & Farisya's Wedding

Ringing in the New Year with our friends

And there was also the lovely Valentine that the boyfriend had arranged for us: a suite at a swanky hotel with room service for two complete with wine. Of course, I can't show you the pictures for that little event but you get the idea ;)

More pictures over at my Flickr!

Anyways, after such a long absence from blogging, today I announced at my old blog about the existence of this blog. I'm hoping that the few readers I have will not mind the transition so much and will like my new layout plus find online shopping over here a little easier (when I finally put something up for sale). I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed in the meantime.

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