
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Like Insects

...Especially when they're made from silk and bamboo like the mobile above. Find it here on Pomme. If you buy it don't tell me otherwise I'll be very, very jealous and just might steal it from your house.

Love their logo too.

Pomme also carries some cool recyclable cardboard appliances and cardboard playhouse for you and your kids to customise.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Make a Difference

50 ways
Was surfing design is mine and read about this great guide for small little ways to go green. Check it out.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I See Fairies

No really. I do. Well, I at least I wish I do. If you're into fairies or if you just have an open mind, make sure you don't miss the World Fairy Festival right here in Malaysia.

Angel Cast’er (above Starbucks)
F107 & 108 First Floor,
Centerpoint, No 3,
Lebuh Bandar Utama,
Bandar Utama,47800
Petaling Jaya, Selangor

(click here for map)

3rd May 08: 2pm-7pm
4th May 08: 11.30am-7pm

Entrance Fee: FOC. Everyone’s welcomed! The more the merrier, so bring all your friends and family.

There are loads of neat things to do like Crystal Readings, take a picture of your Aura, an Emotional Freedom Technique session, Unicorn, Mermaid and Oracle Card Reading and much, much more! And the best thing is that 20% of the net proceeds from services, mini workshops and products sold will be donated to WWF "as a kind gesture to environmental conservation and wildlife protection." Groovy baby.

For further information on the event and Angel Cast’er, contact Charmaine Lian at:
Tel: +603-7729 0068
Fax: +603-7729 0039

Alternatively, you can also contact Victor Lu at: 016-2680663 or email him at

I. Can't. Stand. It!

Memebon spotted on Cute Overload. All I want to do is go, "awww!" and nuzzle that cute little face.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

DIY Dollhouse

Saw this great idea on Decor8 and thought I'd share it with you. Now you can make your very own dollhouse (and customize it too!) and it packs flat! How cool is that? I predict one happy little sister in the near future. Here's how you do it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Going Green

Happy Earth Day everyone! It's lovely that more and more people are becoming environmentally aware (myself included). Everywhere you turn these days there is a cry "to go green" and in one radio ad it proudly proclaimed that "green is the new pink!" How cute is that?

Here are just some of the small steps I've taken to contribute to the preservation of Mother Earth:
  • I pack my own lunch to take with me to the office. This not only means I cut back on the use of styrofoam and disposable take-out food packaging, but I save money and it's good for my diet too!
  • I don't buy bottled mineral water anymore (I used to stock up on bottled water to take with me wherever I go). Instead, I now fill up my handy little 600ml Outerspace Felton bottle whenever I leave the house.
  • I love air conditioning (living in a tropical country you kind of depend on it and yeah, I'm spoiled) but I'm slowly weaning myself of it. I now set my bed room's air conditioner to switch off automatically after 2 hours while I'm asleep and I always switch off my car's air conditioner when it's a breezy day and whenever I hit the highway.
  • I keep a Reisenthel MiniMaxi Shopper in my handbag so that I don't have accept plastic bags from the shops whenever I make a purchase. Check out their whole line of chic MiniMaxi products here. I love it so much that I'm now seriously contemplating getting this, this and this.
  • I support brands and labels that use recyclable packaging, organic ingredients, organic cloth, is fair trade certified and made locally (this cuts down gas emission from transportation) where possible.
Some links for you if you'd like more info on International Earth Day and how you can go green:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Travel India

I truly enjoyed my experience in India. So much so that I want to share my experience with anyone who'll listen and since this is my blog and I can do anything I want, I'm going to bore you with every nitty gritty detail of my 6 days in Incredible India!

Day 1 (6 April 2008)

We arrived at the yet to be completely renovated Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi late at night. Our prearranged driver (Mr Gopal!) picked us up and dropped us off at a Sacchin's guest house. FYI, Sacchin is actually a friend of a friend and haven't even met the guy up to this point (and won't even meet him until we get to Agra) and yet not only did he welcome us to his home with open arms, but he also arranged every single minute detail from our driver, accommodation, sights we should see and the food we should eat! He and his family are the epitome of hospitality and I am told that this is very common in India. Blows me away just thinking about it...

Day 2 (7 April 2008)

We take to the road at 8 am for a 4 hour drive to Agra. Took my first few snap shots above. Interestingly, we saw lots of commercial lorries with "horn please" painted on the rear. As almost everyone honks their horn at the slightest provocation (merely driving next to another vehicle warrants a honk or two) I don't see why they have to remind people. It's inbred I think. Driving in India you are constantly surrounded by a symphony of horns, honks, toots and the occasional blasphemy. Mr Gopal even quipped that to drive in India you must 3 essential things: a good horn, good brakes and good luck! Hehehe. Oh, and check out the cow standing in the middle of the road! It was serenely chewing on cud, oblivious to the traffic and content on its sacred status in India.

Upon arriving in Agra, we checked into the Holiday Inn and finally got to meet Sacchin for the very first time! He was as warm and funny as his emails, and proceeded to arrange our day's tour around Agra.

First off, we went to the Agra Fort (pictured above) or what is also known as Lal Qila, Fort Rouge and Red Fort of Agra. It is a walled palatial city, complete with palaces and mosques. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it boasts amazing architecture and beautiful examples of sand stone carving and pietra dura or what is also known as inlaid marble. Agra Fort is well known as the place where Shah Jahan (the Maharaja who most famously built the Taj Mahal for his one true love) was kept under house arrest by his son. The picture on the bottom right most corner is where he supposedly died, gazing at the Taj Mahal from afar.

After a bout of tourist trap shopping (Tip: DO NOT under any circumstance trust your guide when they say they want to take you to their friend's shop where you can get good discounts on Indian handicrafts, jewelry, etc. You WILL get ripped off), we headed to THE biggest attraction in India: The Taj Mahal (pictures below).

I've been to many of the world's wonders (the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the Eiffel Tower and the Stonehenge amongst others) and I've been sadly disappointed by one or two but the Taj Mahal far exceeded my expectations. It was gorgeous people! A trip to India just wouldn't be complete without a stop here. As you can see from the pictures above, we were there just in time for sunset. I'm told that if you want a complete experience of the Taj, you should also check it out during sunrise as the colors reflecting off its white marble is entirely different.

Also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Taj Mahal was originally the sole tomb of Mumtaz Mahal, favorite wife and consort to the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan I. Shah Jahan had originally intended to build an exact replica of the Taj Mahal in onyx across the Yamuna River for himself but his plans were thwarted when his son seized the throne and placed him under house arrest at the Agra Fort (read above). When he died, he was laid to rest next to his beloved Mumtaz.

Made entirely of white marble and inlaid with semi precious stones (pietra dura again) styled in Islamic calligraphy and beautifully proportionate flowers and vines, The Taj Mahal has been cited as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage." Word y'all.

Some of the sights around the Taj pictured above. It is surrounded by beautiful park lands and behind it is the lush Yamuna River. You'll be surprised to find that there are lots of birds (eagles too!) and monkeys hanging around amongst the local and foreign tourists.

After our day of gallivanting around Agra, we had dinner with Sacchin and his lovely wife at the Mughal Palace. Man, I've always loved Northern Indian cuisine but now I'm officially hooked! We had a sort of dhal that is cooked for 24 hours to perfection. Must remember to look it up or pester Sacchin for the name...

::: Whoops, gotta push off. Will continue my retinue of Indian sights and sounds a little later on. Stay tuned! :::

As if you haven't seen enough already, here's a slideshow!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


India was incredible. No kidding. The sights were great, the food delicious (although I did get Delhi Belly), the shopping fantastic and the people were (generally) not only friendly but helpful too!

I still have about oooh, 300++ pictures to slowly go through, edit and delete but do check out my Flickr periodically as I'll be adding more snap shots throughout the week. I'll also post my travel itinerary here for those of you who'd like to travel to India's Golden Triangle as I did. It was great fun and I highly recommend it to those of you who love to meld sightseeing with a spot of shopping. More soon!

Friday, April 4, 2008

INDIA! Here I Come

Yup, you read right. I'm off to India tomorrow and will be back by next Saturday. I've been busy trying to catch up with work, conducting a Jewelry workshop and shipping orders (with an additional Balinese surprise included as promised) this whole week since I've been back from Bali so excuse me if I sound a little too brief. Honestly, if I had time I could seriously wax lyrical about visiting India for the very first time!

Please note that I will be ready to ship any orders made during my week-long absence by 15 April as long as it's not a custom order. And, as before, I will include a lovely little Indian trinket to any orders made during 5 - 12 April 2008.

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about India.... I'm really, really, REALLY excited! Hehehe. Will blog all about it when I get back. Till then, accha namaste!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


More pictures of Bali over at my Flickr album.